Sunday, September 11, 2011

11 Sep 2011

Today is the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks that resulted in planes crashing into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field.  I reflect on that momentous and tragic day full of mixed emotions.  Foremost, perhaps, is the somber grief for those survivors who are marred for life, as well as for the families who lost loved ones.  After this, I recognize a deep, roiling anger at the audacity of the perpetrators of the heinous acts, and anger towards those who dedicate their lives to carrying on the infamous legacy of hatred and terror.  Intermingled with all of this is the religious side of me, striving to maintain an eternal, gospel-based perspective on everything.  I struggle with desiring to end the lives of those who perpetuate, while simultaneously wishing for the eternal welfare of their souls.  I feel sorrow that anyone's perception of life would be so hollow and incomplete that he might be easily manipulated into throwing away his life to take the lives of innocent people.  I know that the Lord knows the heart of every man, and He will judge.
To the victims of terror attacks, the prisoners of war, and the missing in action: You are not forgotten!


Madison Miller said...

I really appreciate your patriotism. We are blessed to have such an incredible country!

Sturgell said...

I think it is often sad that it takes an act such as that of Sep. 11 to remind the country that patriotism is necessary. The men and women who lost their lives should be remembered, but not just once a year by most of the citizens of the country.