A Return to Patriotism
In today’s world of mass media, smart phones, the internet, widespread progressivism, and economic uncertainty, just about everybody can find varying opinions on the sources and solutions of America’s problems. I firmly believe that one of the chief causes of The United States’ rise to global economic, political, and social prominence is the greatness of the military strength, including the heart and fervor with which the civilian population celebrated and supported the servicemen and women. At some point in our nation’s relatively brief history, harsh criticism and outright opposition became the chic attitude for civilians to adopt. We need to rally in support of the troops who are putting their lives on the line every minute of their deployments to preserve our freedoms, and to extend those freedoms to others. This one simple change of attitude will increase our sense of national unity. It will be a firm step towards a viable solution to our current problems.
In addition to the decreasing number of Americans that is directly affected by family members’ deployments, the media has played an enormous role in the deterioration of America’s patriotic spirit. Field reporters, along with the technological advancements that have come over the last several decades, have given the American public a much more in depth and intimate perspective on the horrors of war. Rather than adopting an attitude of gratitude for the sacrifices the men and women on the fronts were making, media outlets, especially during the Vietnam War, began condemning the operations, including all the men and women who were involved. This generally negative view of the military has held in the media to some extent over the past forty to fifty years. Let us remember with reverence, for all gave some, yet some gave all.

Other voices in our society take a different, more selfish stance. People say that it is wrong for us to send our young men into foreign countries to fight and die for others’ freedom and safety. First and foremost, no man or women is compelled to join the military in our great nation! Everyone who joins does so knowing full well that there is a possibility that he or she will be called upon to give up his or her life for another’s sake. Trust me, we know what we are doing! Secondly, what right have you got to deny the freedoms that you enjoy to those who are less fortunate than you are? The Lord said, “Of him, unto who much is given, much is required” (D&C 82:3). Uncle Ben echoed this sentiment when he told Peter that with great power comes great responsibility. We cannot hope to maintain a clear conscious, to stand blameless before God at the last day if we, having been given much, do not share it in turn.
So what can Joe American do? The most important step is to have the desire to love his country. From there, he can and ought to seek to educate himself on the issues and current military operations. There are myriad organizations that support military awareness amongst civilians. Anyone is welcome to join them. To find out more about some of these groups, one can visit www.nationalresourcedirectory.gov/other_services_and_resources/volunteer_organizations/military_appreciation. Furthermore, one can engage in all sorts of civic activities, aside from those related to the military to enhance one’s love for and respect of the country.
The long and short of this editorial is that involvement is crucial to develop and to maintain one’s patriotism. I think that John Stuart Mill spoke well when he said, “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.” We, as a society, are nearing all too quickly that “decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling”. Let us all be heedful and steadfast, that we may preserve our freedoms and this country with which God has blessed us. Get educated. Be involved. Return to patriotism.
You hit is right on the head. I loved this. It really feels like a lot of people (especially in our generation) don't care about, or know little about what our country really stands for. Thank you left wing liberal media.
I couldn't agree more. As a country it is vital that we develop a sense of unity and mutual respect. I don't think that patriotism will solely "solve" our political and economic issues, but it probably is part of the solution.
Brian, you're definitely right about the role the media has played in trashing this country. It makes me sick.
Madison, thanks for the comment. I feel that patriotism is at the root of the solution because it will rekindle the desire to find viable solutions to the problems, and it will replace the partisanship that is tearing the country apart.
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