Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis Thesis

In "Eleven ways Warren Buffett is lying about Warren Buffett" by Stu Burguire on The Stu Blog, Mr. Burguire presents an opinion which discredits Warren Buffett's recent statements about his taxes, and detracts from President Obama's efforts to push new tax legislation through Congress.  To do so, he employs logical arguments, including statistics and quotations from expert opinions and official documents, imagery and video that works both for emotional response and increased mental stimulation, and a writing style that attempts to connect with the average reader, while still maintaining a high enough level of sophistication to maintain credibility and to stimulate critical thought on the subject.


tbo129 said...

This thesis shows this blog to be blog that allows all people to be informed about an important subject concerning there nation. Personally I also feel that the video and other forms of rhetoric are very useful in persuading the audience.

Kirk Joyner said...

I don't know who Warren Buffett is but I'm always down for a bash on Obama.